Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Vallter, SA and Actius de Muntanya, SA (hereinafter referred to jointly as FGC) guarantee the confidentiality of personal data provided through this website in the terms established by the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), and by Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights (LOPD-GDD), as the necessary and appropriate security measures for the risks associated with the treatments have been implemented.

I. Data processing responsibility

Those responsible for processing the data of the interested party are:

  • Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, domiciled in Barcelona, 08017, C. dels Vergós, 44, and with CIF Q0801576J.
  • Vallter, SA, domiciled in Setcases (Girona), 17869, Pla de Morens, s/n, and with CIF A17015165.
  • Actius de Muntanya, SAU, domiciled in Barcelona, 08017, C. dels Vergós, 44, and with CIF A08141897.

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPD): dpd@fgc.cat

II. Purposes for which your personal data is processed

The interested party is informed that the personal data provided will be processed for the following purposes:

II.1 Mobility activity

  1. In the case of the data of the users of the FGC USERS platform, the main purpose is to manage the registration, access, modification and termination as a user of the FGC USERS platform. This purpose is specified in:
  • Processing the personal data of users, including value-added data that will help to better understand the user (in terms of their habits and interests) and to qualify them.

This purpose involves the development of a user profile that consists in classifying and qualifying the people concerned according to the value-added data provided (postal code of residence, family composition, use of transport in general, combination of transports, ticket type and frequency of use, reason for use, interest). This will allow interested people to receive personalised information from different services that FGC can offer them.

  • Managing the informative or commercial communications of FGC that the user wants to receive.
  • Managing the personalised alert service so that the user can know the incidents of the lines and stations in real time.

FGC may use certain connection and location data provided by the User’s mobile device (IP address, SIM card and wifi connection data, platform or latitude/longitude).

This purpose involves the development of a user profile that consists in classifying interested people according to affinities and transport preferences (favourite places, routes, lines and stops). For this purpose, FGC will draw up a profile taking into account the preferences given by the user and the data provided by their terminal, such as geographical coordinates. This will allow interested people to receive information that affects them as accurately as possible, to find public transport solutions nearby and to enjoy improvements in the services offered by FGC thanks to the information provided.

  • Managing the Loyalty Plan of users who have activated the personalised alert service.
  • Sending communications of promotion campaigns of the activities that are carried out at FGC; in particular, of the activities that are carried out at the mountain stations of FGC (La Molina, Vallter 2000, Vall de Núria, Espot and Portainé), at the Montserrat and Vall de Núria rack trains, at the different tourist trains (Tren dels Llacs, Tren del Ciment), at the Universe Observation Centre, and at any other operation that FGC may manage in the future.
  • Sending the user communications aimed at knowing the assessment and satisfaction of those interested in the products purchased or the services actually provided by FGC.
  1. Responding to queries, complaints and claims or suggestions made through our website.
  2. Registering your e-mail address to receive the Newsletter that we periodically deliver to our customers, if you authorise us to do so.
  3. Preserving the safety of FGC users and staff, as well as FGC goods and assets. For this, we have video surveillance cameras that record the image and also the voice in some cases at all our facilities, including corporate buildings, workshops, warehouses, train stations and wagons, lifts, access areas, mountain stations, and the facilities of the Universe Observation Centre.
  4. Manage your curriculum
  5. Management of different access titles to the facilities (T-Platform, T-Accompanied).
  6. Check-in management at our facilities.
  7. Management of different cards (Pensioner’s card, T-16, T-Unemployed).
  8. Management of the Minimum Wage

II.2 Activity of FGC Turisme

  1. In the case of personal data provided through the web pages www.turismefgc.cat, www.lamolina.cat, www.valldenuria.cat, www.vallter2000.cat, www.portaine.cat, www.espotesqui.cat, www.cremallerademontserrat.cat, www.trendelsllacs.cat, www.trendelciment.cat, www.skipallars.cat, www.boitaull.cat, www.turistren.cat, www.parcastronomic.cat, the purposes are the following:
    • E-Commerce: The purpose is to record your personal data to manage commercial communications arising from the procurement of products and services through the sales channels of FGC.
    • Infoneu: The purpose is to register your e-mail to send you the periodic track status bulletin (info) that we send to users.
    • Contact: The purpose is to respond to queries made through our website
    • Newsletter: The purpose is to register your e-mail to send you the newsletter with current and commercial information about the tourist destinations managed by FGC
    • Loyalty Club “Club Pirineu 365”: The purpose is to register your e-mail to formalise your membership in the club and to be able to send you communications related to its activities, promotions and benefits.
    • Technological slalom of La Molina and/or other gamification activities in the tourist exploitations of FGC: The purpose is to be able to download the video in which you or the person you represent appears using slalom or other gamification activities at FGC stations.
    • Contests – Raffles: The purpose is to register your participation in contests, raffles and other activities disseminated through digital communication media (networks, web, …) in order to be able to communicate with you if you are awarded or to send you specific communications according to the object of the service.
  2. With regard to the mobile applications of La Molina, Vallter, Espot Esquí, Port Ainé, Boí Taüll and Vall de Núria, the purposes for which the personal data of the users will be processed are as follows:
    • That they can make use of the challenges and activities that are proposed and interact with other members of the platform, as well as buy products during their stay on the slopes.
    • In order to respond to your requests for technical assistance and feedback.
    • Your profile information, activities, use of the App when you record a track or photo (including date, time and geolocation information, as well as your statistics), when you participate in a challenge, when you see activities of other users or use the services of Skitude in any other way, are used in order to monitor your use of mobile applications and be able to respond to your requests for technical assistance and comments.
  3. As for the Skiline application, the purposes for which the user’s personal data will be processed are to be able to use the ski pass as a Photopoint trigger and to collect the photos with the ski pass through the Skiline application or in a Skiline terminal directly at the ski resort.
  4. With regard to the free internet connection service (wifi) through the different access portals of the FGC group, the purposes for which the personal data of users will be processed will be to manage the wifi service and to send commercial communications by electronic means of an informative and commercial nature regarding Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya’s tourist products and services.

III. Legitimation to process your data

The legal basis for the processing of users’ personal data for the purposes indicated in letters II.1 a), b), c), e) and g) of the previous section is the prior and unequivocal consent of the interested person.

The legal basis for the processing of users’ personal data for the purposes indicated in letters II. 1 d) and i) of the previous section is the execution of a mission of public interest.

The legal basis for the processing of users’ personal data for the purposes indicated in letters II.1 f) and h) of the previous section is the execution of the contract to which the user is a party.

IV. Term of storage of your data

Your data will be kept as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which it was given. However, FGC will apply special storage periods in the following cases:

  • Inquiries, complaints or suggestions will be kept for the minimum time legally possible, but the personal data provided in the inquiries and suggestions will be destroyed after six months.
  • As to Newsletter subscribers, e-mail details (dissociation) will be partially deleted -due to statistical checks- within three months of being unsubscribed.
  • Video Surveillance data is kept for a maximum period of 30 days, except that it must be made available to the State Security Forces and the judicial bodies.
  • The curricula are kept for 12 months for the FGC Mobility activity and 24 months for the Tourism and Mountain activity.

V. Transfer of your data

In order to fulfill the above purposes, the personal data of the User may be transferred to:

  • Personal data related to the Minimum Wage may be transferred to the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya, in the cases provided by law.
  • The data in the inquiry forms will not be given to anyone; they are processed internally at FGC.
  • Collaborating Entities at managing and  fulfilling the commitments derived from the contests and promotions in which the user participates.
  • The data will not be transferred by the subscribers of the Newsletter, it will be processed by a third company that manages the delivery of the Newsletter, with which the due contract for the provision of services as Data Controller has been signed.
  • Public Administrations, in cases where it is required in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions applicable in each case and, where applicable, also other bodies such as the State Security Forces and the judicial bodies.
  • Data may also be transferred among the entities that make up the FGC group.

No data transfer is made with third countries.

VI. Your rights in relation to your data

In accordance with the rights granted to you by current regulations on the protection of personal data, FGC informs the user that he/she has the right to exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, portability and limitation of processing of personal data collected by FGC.

These rights may be exercised free of charge by the user, and where applicable, by a written and signed request addressed to the following address: C. dels Vergós, 44, 08017, Barcelona (to the attention of the Data Protection Officer), or via e-mail at dpd@fgc.cat indicating in the subject: “Exercise of RGPD rights”. The request must include: name and surname of the user, address for notification purposes, photocopy of national identity document or passport, and a request specifying the purpose.

The right of rectification may also be exercised by the user himself by accessing “My profile” within the FGC USERS platform.

The exercise of the right of suppression will necessarily mean the termination of the FGC USERS platform and will nullify any activity, promotion or raffle in which the user is participating.

In addition to the above rights, the interested party will have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without this action affecting the lawfulness of the previous treatment.

FGC reminds the user that, at all times, he/she has the right to submit a complaint to the Catalan Data Protection Authority (www.apdcat.gencat.cat) regarding the processing of his/her personal data at any time.

VII. Veracity of the data

Users are responsible for the veracity of their data, agreeing not to enter false data and to proceed to modify it, if necessary.