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Access information for people with reduced mobility (PRM) at Plaça Catalunya station

How to access the station and platforms?

1 – Plaça Catalunya station has two entrances, one on the Bergara-Pelai side and another on the Rambla side. You can access the station using the elevator located at Carrer de Pelai, No. 62, at the intersection with Rambla de Catalunya, or the elevator located at Carrer de Bergara, No. 7, at the intersection with Carrer de Balmes. Once you pass through the validators at either entrance of the station, there is an elevator available to go down to the platforms.

How to access the Customer Assistance Center (CAC)?

2 – It is located in the Bergara side entrance of Plaça Catalunya station. The elevator located at Carrer de Bergara, No. 7, at the intersection with Carrer de Balmes, connects the street with the Plaça Catalunya entrance where you will find FGC agents, assistance and ticket sales points, validators to access the platforms, and the Customer Assistance Center (CAC).

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Frequently asked questions

Check out the answers to our users’ most frequently asked questions.


  • In order to travel, a ticket suited to the journey to be made must be purchased and validated prior to boarding the train or to accessing the interior precincts. The ticket must also be validated if transferring.
  • The ticket must be kept until the exit of the destination station so that it may be shown whenever requested by an employee of the company and so as to validate it at the exit of stations that have validating machines at the exit.
  • Tickets are not valid if they have been altered or tampered with or, where relevant, they are not accompanied by an identity card or do not match the specific conditions of use.
  • Users are entitled to use the most suitable ticket for them on their journeys – single ticket, multi-journey card, pass, etc. – and must find out the features of each ticket before buying them. Claiming ignorance does not excuse the user from their responsibility.
  • Validation of a ticket allows for a journey in only one direction.
  • Single tickets purchased from FGC may only be used on FGC lines or, in other words, may not be used in transfers with other means of transport.
  • Formats, conditions and prices of integrated tickets (with the initials ATM on the back), in addition to the conditions of use of contactless T-mobilitat media, are planned and approved by ATM, the metropolitan transport authority.

  • Tickets, purchased prior to use, will be valid until there is a change of fares and, in all events until the date it is specified as a valid ticket for travelling.
  • If a user has a ticket that shows signs of having been tampered with or falsified, it will be taken off them and their documentation will be demanded in order to process the pertinent report. The person must then be told to leave the train or the premises.
  • Children under 4 years old may travel for free if they do not occupy a seat.
  • School trains are only to be used by schoolchildren. Responsibility for letting minors travel alone by train lies with the parents/guardians of the minor.
  • Bicycles and e-scooters can be carried for free, providing the trains are not too full. They must be placed in the areas set aside for this on the train. Personal mobility vehicles such as bicycles, e-scooters, skates and the like can only be left in the areas provided for this.
  • Passengers travelling with baggage must use the luggage carrier and leave train corridors and platforms clear.
  • The seats reserved for people with reduced mobility or for other groups specified on signs be respected, and when appropriate, given up.
  • In the event of an incident on the FGC train service involving a delay of more than 40 minutes, users are entitled to a transport voucher of equal value to the journey made, which they can use until the next change in fares. Requests for exchange can be made by users by making a claim at any FGC premises, by email or by telephone, providing proof of the ticket used.
  • FGC is an area where coexistence is fostered. Users must therefore behave in a civil, proper and respectful manner with other passengers and FGC staff, and must follow the instructions of FGC staff, posters, train and station notices and public announcements.

The following actions are prohibited:

  • Smoking on trains and in all open or closed FGC facilities.
  • Moving about on personal mobility vehicles like bicycles, e-scooters, skates or similar inside trains, indoors, in station halls and on platforms. Chaining them to trees, signs, benches or other furniture or in places reserved for people with reduced mobility.
  • Unjustifiable use of emergency and assistance points installed beside the ticket vending machines or platforms or of the emergency stop systems of mechanical escalators or of lifts or of the alarm devices of trains. Passengers may not prevent the legitimate use thereof.
  • Boarding or alighting from the train after the acoustic signal has sounded or entering drivers’ cabins or facilities reserved for the exclusive use of authorised personnel. Climb down onto the rails or enter tunnels. Preventing or forcing the opening or closing of the doors that provide access to trains.
  • Carrying objects or materials that may be dangerous or unpleasant for users. Performing activities or actions that may upset users, altering public order or disturbing the service. Behaving in a way that may endanger their own physical integrity or that of other users and employees or undermine the safety of the railway and facilities and performing actions that may harm or dirty trains or facilities.
  • Throwing or depositing objects on the rails or thereabouts.
  • Distributing advertising, putting up posters, begging, organising draws or games of chance, selling or offering goods or services or performing any type of artistic activity in trains and facilities, such as the use of musicals instruments, etc., without the authorisation of the company.
  • Consuming alcoholic drinks (except in authorised establishments) or intoxicating substances, which are prohibited on all FGC premises.

Pursuant to Law 4/2006 of 31 March, on railway transport, breach of these prohibitions represents an offence that, if classified as minor may be penalised with a fine of up to 6,000 euros, as serious with a fine of up to 30,000 euros, and as very serious with a fine of up to 300,000 euros.

    There is a 50% discount for immediate payment. Unauthorised use of the facilities includes the following:
  • Failure to validate the ticket before the journey or entering restricted zones.
  • Not possessing a ticket or being unable to show one upon request.
  • Using an expired ticket.
  • Using a ticket purchased at a reduced price without proof of the right to use such a ticket.
  • Using a personalised ticket that belongs to someone other than the person using it.
  • Using a ticket outside of its corresponding fare zone.
  • Travelling with an invalid ticket.
  • Using a ticket outside of its corresponding fare zone.
  • In accordance with Art. 52 of Law 7/2004 of 16 July, on tax and administrative measures, and with regard to Law 4/2006 of 31 March, on railway transport, amended by Art. 52 of Law 26/2009 of 23 December and updated by Resolution TES/3013/2011 of 21 December, travel without a valid and adequate ticket and non-payment within the term specified may constitute an administrative offence punishable by a fine of up to €6,000, in accordance with Arts. 65 and 66 of Law 4/2006 of 31 March, on railway transport. If the user refuses to identify themselves, the presence of security or public order officers will be requested.
  • Using a ticket outside of its corresponding fare zone.
  • A complete version of the Terms of Use and complaint forms are available at each station.

DOGC Terms of use

  • Before travelling you have to purchase a ticket suitable for the journey you want to make and validate it. Tickets can be purchased online, at Balaguer station or during the train journey. Travelers who board the train without a ticket are requested to address the staff on board.
  • The ticket is not valid if it has been submitted to any alteration or manipulation or in case no identification card can be shown or the ticket does not correspond to the specific conditions of use.
  • Travelers have the right to use the ticket that suits them best and the obligation to find out the characteristics of each ticket, before purchasing it.
  • In order to purchase tickets, travelers can obtain adequate information regarding the different zones of the route, from the information panels.
  • The validation of a ticket allows to travel in only one direction.
  • With a single ticket it is not allowed to transfer to other means of transport (Renfe, etc.).
  • Integrated ATM tickets allow to transfer without travel penalties to other transport companies forming part of the Integrated Fare System. It is mandatory to validate the ticket at each transfer from one to another transport company.
  • A maximum of three transfers can be made within a time limit from the first validation to the last, without using additional journey consumption, as follows:
    • 1 hour and 15 minutes on one zone journeys
    • 1 hour and 30 minutes on 2-zone journeys
    • 3 hours on 3-zone journeys
    • 4 hours and 15 minutes on 4-zone journeys
  • The ticket is valid until there if a change in fares should occur.
  • An improper use of the service will lead to the payment of a minimum penalty in the terms and conditions established by the correspodning law.

The minimum penalty established for any improper use of the service is: 100€

The minimum charge has a 50% discount if the payment is made within 48 hours, on working days. Children under eighteen years of age have a 50% bonus for 30 days.

Traveler are considered to make improper use of the service in the following cases:

–  The ticket has not been validated outside the train or the traveler has not informed the staff on board that he lacks a valid ticket.

–  Travelers have no ticket.

–  The ticket has expired.

–  It is a reduced fare ticket and travelers are unable to prove their right to obtain it.

–  Its is a personalized ticket that does not correspond to the holer.

–  The ticket is used outside the corresponding fare zone.

–  Travelers travel with a ticket that is not valid.
If travelers have a correctly integrated ticket which was not validated during the transfer, they will have to pay the price of a single ticket for one zone.
In the event that a traveler shows a ticket that has been manipulated or falsified, the provisions of the corresponding Railway Law will apply.
At Balaguer complaint forms are available to travelers. The deadline for completing an objection form is 30 days. I If desired, complaints can also be made via the website

Pictograma persones a qui es cedeix els seients reservats

  • The possession of a valid ticket guarantees the provision of transport, but not the occupancy of a seat on the train. Under no circumstances sitting on platforms is allowed.
  • Children under four years of age can travel for free whenever they do not occupy a seat.
  • Pets may be carried free of charge provided that the occupancy of the trains allows it and the conditions established in this text are met.
  • Dogs must wear a muzzle and be held on a leash from the moment they access the FGC premises.
  • Small animals must travel in baskets or cages, and are under no circumstances allowed to occupy a seat.
  • It is the pet owner’s responsibility to comply with all the obligations arising from the possession of animals, in accordance with Law 7/2023, of March 28, on animal welfare. Anyone who carries dogs considered potentially dangerous by Law 10/1999 has to comply with the provisions of current legislation.
  • Guide dogs have different consideration and are not conditioned to occupancy.
  • Bicycles can be transported free of charge, as long as the occupancy of the train allows it.
  • Users travelling with luggage must use the luggage rack. The aisles and platforms of railway carriages must be left free.
  • The seats reserved for people with reduced mobility or other groups specified on the signs must be respected and, where appropriate, made available to disabled travelers.
  • In the event of an incident with the FGC railway service, causing a delay of more than 40 minutes, users are entitled to a ticket equal to the journey, which they may use until the following fare change.
  • Users may request exchange by means of a claim at any FGC premises, via e-mail or telephone, showing the ticket used
  • FGC is a space where coexistence is enhanced: we must always maintain civic behaviour and follow the instructions of FGC staff, signs, notices and the public loudspeaker announcements.



For this purpose it is totally FORBIDDEN:

• To smoke inside all FGC facilities • the access of electric scooters and monocycles to FGC vehicles and facilities •· to ride bicycles, skates or similar in the interior enclosures, halls and platforms. To tie them to trees, signs, benches and other furniture or in areas reserved for people with reduced mobility • to use information and help points without any reason or misusing them • to enter or exit the train after the audible signal • to introduce objects or materials that may be dangerous or annoying • to travel in inappropriate conditions or places • to access unauthorized places or get to the track and access tunnels • to prevent or forcibly opening or closing train doors or manipulating mechanisms • to use train alarm devices without any reason or prevent their fair use • to carry out activities or actions that may disturb or alter public order or FGC services • to behave in a way that can be dangerous to one’s own physical integrity or to other travelers • to carry out actions that deteriorate or soil trains or facilities • to stay in the facilities outside opening hours • to handle, destroy or deteriorat any element related to circulation and service in general • to throw or deposit objects on or around the road • to use or obstruct evacuation routes and/or emergency exits without justification • to beg and/or carry out any kind of artistic or commercial activity on trains and facilities, without the company’s authorisation • to consume alcoholic beverages (except in authorised establishments) and toxic substances within all FGC facilities.

Violation of these prohibitions means an infringement in accordance with Law 4/2006, of 31 March, on railways, which may be sanctioned if classified as minor infringement, with a fine of up to 6,000 euros; if it is classified as serious, up to 30,000 euros, and if it is very serious, up to 300,000 euros.

A complete version of the Conditions of Use published in the DOGC núm. 9119, March 11, 2024 is available to travelers. At Balaguer station (carrer de la Noguera Pallaresa s/n, 25600 Balaguer) there is a complaints book available to travelers. Likewise, complaints or suggestions can be made through the FGC website.

DOGC publication